The OZ VW Shows blog is now live! The idea of adding a blog feature to the website has all come about by chatting with a few members of the KombiClub Australia online forum and the need to share updates that folk who don’t use social media platforms to hear about updates to events that are posted on OZ VW Shows and is not so obvious seen at the current time.
So this is all a bit new to me and and the site so expect things to develop in this space as time moves on and we all learn together.
As I said this development to the site has literally grown over the past couple of days by chatting with members of the KombiClub but it got me thinking that there is some amazing content online that is related to keeping the dub alive that you may not realise if all you have used is certain social media platforms. I have been a member of KombiClub Australia for five years now and almost eight years as a Latebay forum member. So if you do just hang out on social media, I would say give them a go, there is a lot of good knowledge lurking out there just don’t expect hazy pictures of kombis overlooking orchards and sunsets! 😉