Submit A Club Post

To try and help Clubs or Groups who don’t want to maintain an internet presence and use Social Media to connect with Vee Dub owners and lovers who stay away from such apps, you can share your club news / events direct on OZ VW Shows

Hopefully it will help to pull a few more people in to your next meet-up

Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself

This is literally only to let us know about who you are and how to get back in touch with you if there is a problem or go back in your Post we want to check

Create Your Post To Share

This is the Headline banner for your post, so make it catchy for people to click
Selecting the Category is mainly to provide a high level summary of where your post will leave under, pick the topic that relates nearest to your intended post. If you don’t pick one, no worries it can get sorted before being published.
The maximum post length is 1500 words which is almost an A4 page of writing, so fill your boots! Add all the information you want to share in the box above. PLEASE REMEMBER if you add information such as a contact number or email you are happy to share this information with the internet and store it on servers that OZ VW Shows is hosted on. Please read our Privacy Policy to understand more about the storage of data if you want to know more on this.

A Picture Paints A 1000 Words

You can upload four files to support your post, be it actual files or pictures to go along with the words that you have written above. File types that are good to use on the website in posts are as follows .png, .jpg, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf, .mpg, .mov, .wmv. If you don't have these types please hit submit and we can sort it all out when the post is pulled together.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
If you need more files to be uploaded, just let us know and we can sort.