Dub Directory
In the following States and Territory listings below you can find all the Vee Dub Clubs, Groups and Pages which are followed by OZ VW Shows.
- Aussie Beach Buggies
- Aussie Vee Dubbers
- Australian Kombi Owners and Lovers
- Australian ONLY shows Swapmeet’s Cruising Calendar
- Aussie VW Ovals
- Beach 2 Bush VW Culture
- Dub Syndicate
- GTI & R Owners Club Australia
- Lowlight Kombi Crew
- MK1. Golf Australia
- Modified Kombi & VW Projects Group
- Polo GTI Owners Australia
- The Kombi Club
- Volkswagen T3 Owners Australia
- VW Bus Junkies Aircooled Swap Meet and For Sale Items
- VW Kombi Australia
- VW Magazine Australia
- VW Racing Australia
- VW Restorers Australia
- VW Type 3 Notchback
- VW Type3 cars and parts for sale Australia
- Volkswagen Spectacular
- Volkswagen WESTFALIA’s of Australia
New South Wales
Northern Territory
- Got a club to share, add it by clicking here