Evening all,

A little later than normal I appreciate though I just wanted to let the news of several snap lockdowns settle and come back before we do a whizz round of cancellations.

From the events I have shared married up against the lockdowns occurring this is the state of play

Queensland – In 3 days lockdown for the following areas

  • City of Brisbane
  • City of Gold Coast
  • City of Ipswich
  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
  • Logan City
  • Moreton Bay Region
  • Noosa Shire Council
  • Redland City
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • Somerset Regional Council
  • Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Which impacts the following meetings

BLBVW Monthly Club Meeting – Tonight
BIVDC ManDubbers Coffee Meet – CJ’s Ningi this coming Friday on the 2nd July

I still have two events up for QLD for this coming weekend, though I will see how they track as there is potential that the 3 day lockdown is extended.

NSW – For Dubbers living in Greater Sydney you find yourselves locked in a two-week stay-at-home order 

Which has caused the Flat Fours Pie Run to be cancelled

Western Australia is currently running a four day lockdown which wraps before the weekend, so Alfred’s next week is still on at this stage

Will keep tracking the situation though to all you organisers who are putting themselves out there for the community I respect the courage you are showing to the scene! Every credit

Just stay safe all, happy dubbin’
