The OZ VW Shows People’s Choice spotlight this week falls on James Bugg to tell us all about his beautiful 1978 Westie…
1. What Make And Model is Your Vee Dub?
‘77 Westfalia Berlin
2. How Long Have You Had The Vee Dub For?
13 years
3. Have You Named Your Vee Dub
So What Is the Name And How Did You Come To Give Your Dub That Name?
My wife and I were travelling down from Scotland on our first big trip, we started at 50mph and each time we went down a hill she sped up, then held the speed up the next hill, this went on over a few hills, until travelling uphill at 75 I let off, and we both said together “whoa there Nelly”
And it stuck!!
4. Was There Any Special Reason For The Purchase?
911 turbo or the BusI decided the porker was a one trick pony, so got the bus, and my Mk1 GP buggy was rubbish for camping
5. Is it a Daily Driver or a Happy Escape?
Happy Escape
5. What’s The Last Job You Had To Get Sorted On The Vee Dub?
Transformer on the fridge died after 13 years on the job
6. What’s The Next Job Or Mod You Want To Get Sorted?
USB sockets are sat ready to go in.
7. Have You Ever Had A Piggy Back On A Tow Truck? What’s Your Best Breakdown Story?
I cooked a coil on the way from Ireland to Santa pod, luckily we coaxed it to hooters!!
8. When you get behind the wheel what’s the first thing you think about before cranking the engine?
It’s been a while, should I have charged the battery??Only been caught out once, so far
9. What’s the best road trip you have done in the Vee Dub?
Belfast to Santa pod used to be awesome for Vw action, road trip with a overnight ferry thrown in.
10. What Was Your Favourite Show You Have Been To In Your Vee Dub, What Made It Special?
Pyjama party at Santa pod, dance tent filled with everyone in sleepwear, along with midnight dodgems drunk in pj’sIt must have been a very surreal sight to anyone not involved.
11. What won’t you leave home without when you are heading out in your Dub
Everything, even the kitchen sink
12. Have you tried contacting the previous owners to dig out some of the history
13. What Makes You Love Your Dub?
Theres been ups and downs, but Nelly always looks after us.She bought my oldest daughter home from hospital, so has a special place in all our hearts.
14. What Else Would You Like To Tell Us About Your Vee Dub
Nothing, but, if you would like to ask, come and say hello at the next show.It’s always good to have a chat!
James, thanks for being a star and sharing your story about Nelly with all the readers of the site. Cheers mate